
Noemí seoane

Unreal Engine 5, Perforce, Maya, 3Ds Max  ||  Metrics, Encounters, Cinematics, Narrative, Documentation  ||

I’m a game designer specializing in level design. My goal to create worlds drove me to dive into the study of game design. I developed an open-world game, Return of the Titans. I’m currently getting a master’s degree in Game Design at U-TAD, developing End of Life. In this game, I was mainly dedicated to the design of the game’s mechanics to bring out the potential of the original idea.

+34 644 28 34 10


End of life (Master’s Thesis) – Welding Crow (2023)

  • · I was in charge of all the level processes, from the layout, and blocking, to the whitebox.
  • · I designed the world and how we would manage the game city
  • because it behaves like a Rubik’s cube and implemented the
  • game events.
  • · I was in charge of level design, metrics and the relationship between
  • levels and narrative.

Pipeline Technical Assistant – Dragon Keeper (2022)

  • · I ensured file integrity in between department communications.
  • · I fixed the shots containing errors and escalated the ones I couldn’t
  • correct to the corresponding department.

Return of the Titans (Degree’s Thesis) – (2021-2022)

  • · I was in charge of the audiovisual content: cinematics, soundtrack,
  • visual integration with the narrative.
  • · I used the World Machine program to create a custom terrain, defining
  • the different heights in layers that could then be merged.
  • · I designed and dressed the level. The environment is very diverse
  • since it’s an open world.
  • · and I developed the narrative of the main objective of the game, as well as
  • the secondary events and characters.


U-TAD (2022)

Master’s in Game Design

Universidade de A Coruña (2018 – 2022)

Excellence in 3D content

Professional Conservatory of Music (2010 – 2021)

Specialty in piano and viola

technical skills

Level Design

Unreal Engine 4, World Machine, Miro

3D Animation and Integration

Maya, Blender, Da Vinci, Marvelous Designer, 3d Max

Sound and Video editing

Da Vinci, Reaper, Kontakt

Graphic design

Photoshop, Ilustrator, Procreate



soft skills

Responsible and resilient
Pragmatic and efficient
Tenacious and reliable
Empathic team player
Creative and detail-oriented
Natural problem solver


Spanish: Bilingual or native proficiency
English: Professional working proficiency
Galician: Bilingual or native proficiency


Solist award – 2013                                            

Conservatorio Profesional de A Coruña


Programar blueprintes en Unreal Engine de 0 a Profesional – May 2022

Udemy online

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